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Massive strategy-based first-person shooter from Offworld Industries featuring 40v40 battles online and realistic VoIP systems

Massive strategy-based first-person shooter from Offworld Industries featuring 40v40 battles online and realistic VoIP systems

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Program license: Paid

Developer: Offworld Industries

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android


Program license

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Offworld Industries

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  • Encourages in-depth teamwork and strategy
  • Vast, realistic battlegrounds for 40 vs 40 matches
  • Detailed base building and defense fortifications
  • Selection of vehicles and real-world military units
  • Integrated VoIP system for effective in-game communication


  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Reliance on teamwork may be daunting for solo players
  • Highly tactical gameplay may not appeal to all shooter fans

An Engaging Blend of Strategy and Tactics

Squad is a tactical first-person shooter designed to bring a high degree of realism and teamwork to the frontlines of digital combat. Developed by Offworld Industries, the game excels in delivering an exhilarating experience that combines the thrill of first-person shooters with the meticulous strategies akin to military simulations.

Collaboration Takes Center Stage

At the heart of Squad lies a robust emphasis on team collaboration and communication. Players are compelled to work together, formulating strategies and adapting to an ever-evolving battlefield. Unlike typical run-and-gun shooters, this game requires a measured approach where coordination and intel are paramount. The role of the Squad Leader is of utmost importance as they bear the responsibility of guiding their team by marking waypoints, setting strategic goals, and maintaining unity to outmaneuver opposing forces.

Building a Defensive Front

Squad Leaders in Squad have the unique ability to fortify positions to withstand enemy advancements. The construction system enables leaders to establish bases with defensive structures like HESCO barricades, razor wire, and sandbags to create a formidable line of defense. Deployment of heavy weaponry, from machine guns and anti-tank guns to missile systems, provides teams with the necessary firepower to repel larger threats, creating a richly tactical environment that rewards foresight and planning.

Epic Scale Battles

One of the game's most riveting features is the capacity to host expansive 40 vs 40 player matches. These large-scale encounters take place across vast maps that are modeled after real-world locations, offering a panoramic backdrop for intense encounters and strategic operations. The essence of these vast battles is underscored by the range of military factions available—from the British Army to the Russian Ground Forces, each with their distinct arsenal, fostering a varied combat experience.

Vehicles at Your Command

To enhance the realism and tactical options, Squad incorporates an array of military vehicles, including tanks, logistics trucks, and technicals equipped with mounted weaponry. This vehicular element adds another strategic layer, enabling rapid transport, supply runs, and formidable firepower in engagements.

Built-in Communication System

Recognizing the importance of seamless communication in strategic gameplay, Squad integrates a voice over IP (VoIP) system directly within the game. This eliminates the need for third-party communications software and ensures that players can effortlessly coordinate with one another, further bolstering the game’s focus on teamwork and collaborative tactics.

Realistic Military Engagement

Players looking for an experience that mirrors real-life military operations will find Squad to be an engaging platform. The combination of realistic weapon behavior, teamwork, and strategic maneuvering offers players a taste of the discipline and unity required in actual combat scenarios, with the bonus of doing so alongside friends or other online allies.


In a gaming landscape often dominated by solitary first-person shooters, Squad boldly emphasizes a collective experience where teamwork and communication are not just beneficial, but essential for victory. Its massive battles, realistic mechanics, and emphasis on strategy provide a unique and captivating experience for those seeking more than just trigger-happy action.


  • Encourages in-depth teamwork and strategy
  • Vast, realistic battlegrounds for 40 vs 40 matches
  • Detailed base building and defense fortifications
  • Selection of vehicles and real-world military units
  • Integrated VoIP system for effective in-game communication


  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Reliance on teamwork may be daunting for solo players
  • Highly tactical gameplay may not appeal to all shooter fans